
Sunday, May 8, 2011

A great way to store your tools - My homemade pen-repair tool station...

Hello guys and gals!

If you're looking for an easy, inexpensive, and professional way to store your tools I've got the answer!

I got this original idea from somewhere (I can't remember right now) and modified it to my taste. In the simplest sense it's just a wooden block to hold my pen-repair tools. This is version two. Version one had very little storage space because I didn't need it back then. So, I decided I needed more space and came out with this version. It has space for lots of tools and is custom made to fit my needs. I'm not a great wood-worker but I can do it if I have to...

Anyway, enjoy and hopefully this will give some inspiration to others about repair-tool storage. It's really easy to make your own. You just need some wooden blocks, screws, drills, and an electric screw-driver.

Here it is! As you can see, I left some extra space in the middle for any new tools I might get.

Here's the back of it. Nothing to fancy!

I've got my knock out pins right here for easy access. Makes pen repair a whole lot easier when your tools are readily accessible.

Here's some more tools. Picks and sac scrapers...

Here's how I make it. It get the tool and find the closest drill size. Then I drill it to fit.

here's a hole made just for my nib burnishing tool.

I even made a special slot for my vacumatic wrenches!

Here's the real deal! Say goodbye to spilled shellac! Yes, I have spilled shellac before... All over my carpet... Not anymore though! With this "invention" I'll be free of messy spills!

Here's the wonderful hole that's saving me from certain doom... Fits the shellac bottle just perfectly!

I hope you've enjoyed looking through my tools and my little storage block. I also hope this will help some new repairers out there who are wondering how to store their tools for easy access during repairs.

Please, drop me a comment and let me know what you think of this. The comments keep me going on my Blog. They're a huge help!

Best Regards,
777 - Tyler Dahl


  1. I had the same idea, but for pens? Basic drill size was 'OK', but better on a per pen size?

    Then it was too unstable, so like you I have two side by side.

    Works a treat.


  2. Yea, I size every hole for each tool as I go so it's a perfect fit. And yes, the second "layer" helps with stability.

    What a good idea you have! I might have to try making my own pen stand...Regards,777 - Tyler Dahl

  3. Excellent and effective. Unfortunately, I live in an apartment and have no drill and almost never need one. I have just started attempting easy repairs on my pens but, already, I am beginning to collect tools. I am contemplating two ideas, and while not nearly as convenient as yours, I should think either would have to be better than the large plastic zipper baggie I use now. One is to use inexpensive test tube holders and another is to get one of those wood or plastic drawer dividers used to separate knives, forks, and spoons.

    Of course, I still have to figure out how to make a spill-proof holder for my shellac. While I haven't spilled it yet, boy, talk about a ticking time bomb!

  4. Hello Freddy,

    I think a test tube holder might do the job. I've heard of people using them to hold pens.

    Yes, shellac is a time bomb ticking away with amazing speed...

    When repairing pens I always say such: Some days you win, some days you lose, and others days you have complete failures... :)

    All that aside, have fun!

    777 - Tyler Dahl
