
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Computer Issues

Uh oh… Those words can strike fear into the heart of many, including myself. As tech savvy as I am, I’m still not immune to computer glitches and errors. And this week I was just thrown a big one.

You’ll have to excuse me, because I won’t be getting any blogging done with my computer in this state.

Microsoft Windows has just gently informed me that my hard disk is failing. I am currently backing up everything I have, and after that I’ll need some time to think over what I’ll do. It may just be a little bug that I can fix, or I may actually need to replace my hard drive. Either way, it was not a pleasant surprise when I got that horrible little pop-up.

Wish me luck my friends. I hope to be blogging again soon, but until further notice, I am quite unable to.

I’ll try to keep you all posted with little updates. Follow me on twitter @TylersPens to get the fastest updates.

For all of you who were wondering how I wrote a blog post when my computer is crashing: Written with Byword for iPhone.

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