
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Free Esterbrook-box giveaway! Don't miss out!

Hello to all of my Blog readers, subscribers, followers, etc. Now is your chance to enter for my free giveaway on my Blog! It starts now and ends on Sunday night, 6:30PM Central Time. At the end on Sunday night a winner will be selected and the prize will be shipped the following morning. So what is the prize!?! Since I'm a big fan of Esterbrooks this giveaway is geared toward (but not limited to) those who share my interests in these amazing pens. I'm giving away an original Esterbrook-box with filling instructions! No pen included (sorry) but the box and instructions are a great addition to any vintage Esterbrook collection. They are a neat piece of Esterbrook history.

Here is the box shown closed. The winner of this giveaway will receive this exact box shown in the picture here.

Here it is opened with the papers inside.

Here is the paper. One side has instructions on how to use an Esterbrook pencil, warranty, nib options, etc. The other side has filling/cleaning instructions.

The box with the paper flipped over showing the other side.

So by now I'm sure you're wondering: "how do I win?". Well I'll tell you. It's this easy. Drop me a comment below about what you think of my site. Make sure to leave a name instead of anonymous. The comments will all be numbered like so: first comment is #1, second comment is #2, and so on... Then on Sunday night I will pick a random number and select the winner. I will make a new blog post with the name and number of the winner. Whoever the winner is must then contact me via email to claim the prize!

The "contest" begins today so be sure to leave a comment soon so you don't miss out! No comments will be accepted after Sunday night, 6:30PM Central Time. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,
777 - Tyler Dahl


  1. That is lovely as is your goodwill. I have an Esterbrook, a lovely grey and this box will do the pen justice. Cheers


  2. Hello Shrikaanth! Looks like you are #2. I once sold a grey J (transitional) with a box. They made a very nice pair!

    777 - Tyler Dahl

  3. Hello Pamela! Looks like you're #1 in the contest! Glad you're enjoying the Blog!

    777 - Tyler Dahl

  4. Neat giveaway! I have only one Estie, a Dollar pen, but it could live in that box.
    David Maliniak

  5. Looks like we've got a #3! Welcome to the "game" David! I love the dollar pens. I recently restored a gorgeous blue one for a client of mine. That was a really nice pen!

    777 - Tyler Dahl

  6. Hi Tyler, Your Blog is great. I especially like the pen maintenance and repair tutorials. Unfortunately my pens think your site is gruesome. To them it is like a human viewing a Blog on brain surgery. He he ;-)

  7. Hello David! Glad you like the Blog. You're #4 in the giveaway!

    Glad you like the tutorials. I'm coming out with more very soon.

    777 - Tyler Dahl

  8. Nice idea. Who would not want a box for their pen?

    -Jay Shelton

  9. Hello Jay! You're #5 in the Esterbrok box giveaway! You're quite right - Who wouldn't want a box for their pen!

  10. Hello, Tyler;
    I could always use a box to aid in selling a restored Esterbrook. However there are those that would LOVE the box to go with their favorite. I am therefore just commenting on your generosity and goodwill, very nice of you. As tempting an offer as this is, the box should go to one who wants it for their Estie-love and not to me. I have been truly blessed by the generosity and kindness of others. I am content with what I have, more than some can say! This is gracious of you!

  11. Well, hello then from one Estie restorer to another! It's good to hear from you. I hope that you are able to gain something interesting from my Blog.

    Thank you for the kind words too. :)

    777 - Tyler Dahl

  12. That box would be so cool to use with my favorite Esterbrook. If I should win then I just have to figure out which my favorite is.

  13. And we've got a #6! Welcome to the game Freddy!

    Yes, I too can find it hard picking out a favorite Esterbrook. So many colors, nibs, sizes, etc. to pick from!

    777 - Tyler Dahl

  14. Hi, I just read Pocket Blonde's tweet and thought I'd check out your Estie box! I like how that instruction sheet shows the writing from various nibs. My Estie has a 1555 nib and I'll refer to your site for swapping the nib once I find one more to my liking.

  15. Hello Erin! Looks like you're #7 in my little giveaway! 1555 nibs are what I started with though now I use my 2284 broad stub for most of my writing...

    777 - Tyler Dahl

  16. Hi, Tyler, I like your blog and having a box for an Estie would be really neat. Count me in. I'll check back in a week to see if I've won.

  17. Since I just purchased the gray SJ from you, naturally I am interested in this.

    Michael La Grassa
