
Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm back!

Well, I just got back home a few hours ago after a much needed vacation. I spent a week in Big Sandy TX, and another week at a state park in TN, around 2 hours away from my house. I had a great time, got to see some friends, catch up on sleep, and get prepared mentally for all the big changes coming up soon in my business. I really enjoyed myself, but it's great to be back home again.

Work will resume as normal on Monday (10/24/11), but I'll begin working through my emails tomorrow morning. I'll do my best to pick everything up where it was left off, and keep things speeding along at a good pace. I appreciate your patience! It's not easy for me to leave behind my business for two weeks like that.

As soon as all your emails are answered, and I begin getting your pens processed as usual, the new website is going on top of my priority list. I intend on finishing it sometime between the end of October, and the first week-or-two of November. The sooner the better!

I'm looking forward to getting back to work, and I'm sure you folks are eager to get your pens back soon! Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions.

Until tomorrow,
-Tyler Dahl


  1. Tyler, it's great to hear from you!  I was just thinking about you this morning, and wondering when you would be "back".  Glad you had a great vaca!!!  

  2. Hey Tyler, I'm glad you had a great time.  Welcome home!

  3. Hello kp,

    Thank you for the welcome! It's great to be home again!

  4. Thanks Fred!

    I can't wait to start all the new changes to the blog and website. I just might have more fun doing that than I did on vacation. ;)
