
Monday, June 25, 2012

Poll: Blog commenting software

What do you think of the upgraded commenting software? free polls 
Well, for a long time now my commenting software of choice has been DISQUS. Recently, DISQUS emailed me showing off their new&improved upgrade to their current commenting software. It was free, so I decided to give it a go. 

Since then I has been really hit or miss. Some commenters have noticed nothing new, while others love it, and a few folks seem to be unable to comment at all, which really sucks.

So I'm left with a decision, and I want your help. I need to choose to either stick with the upgrade and hope for some bug fixes, or revert to the old version and wait it out till the new one is stable.

This being the case, and at the suggestion of one of my commenters, I've assembled a handy poll so that I can get your vote. If you want to take part in this, it's super easy, and I would be extremely grateful. Just select an option from the poll on the right.

And be sure to leave me a comment (assuming the new software is allowing you to do so) if you have further details.

Thanks for your participation! Each vote counts, and will help shape this blog to be better than ever.

Of need to reach me, and you are unable to leave a comment due to bugs, feel free to send me an email.

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